Monday, July 19, 2010

Summer Porch Garden

Dear Daughter and the Pre-Schooler wanted to plant some seeds and make things grow this summer.  As we're still renting and therefore can't dig up a garden plot in the back yard, a porch garden seemed to be the best solution.  The kids filled our floral pots up with rich soil, picked out some seeds from the store, and planted away.  We've had lettuce for most of the summer, but now the fun stuff is ready:  carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, and some basil for pesto magic!

Have any of you grown classroom gardens before?  Indoors, outdoor?


  1. We reclaimed out "garden" from 8 years of mud play earlier this year and are having fun experimenting with what can grow out there. We just harvested a nice crop of potatoes, snow peas, and radishes. We've had a few green beans as well. Our cauliflower and cabbage looks spindly to me, but I'm not much of a gardener myself, so what do I know?

    Your tomatoes look yummy!

  2. Finally, a resolution I love and really want to keep. Good article.


As always, thank you for your comments, tips, suggestions and questions!