Thursday, March 27, 2008

Show and Share Thursday: Sarcasm, Sparkle, and Desserts

I've been more of a blog reader than a blog writer this week, content to read the posts from all 168 blogs to which I subscribe daily, "flagging" ones that I'd like to go back to, re-read, ponder over, and possibly share, and then getting on about my day. There's been a lot of sweetness and light out here in Blogland (at least in the neck of the woods I frequent), and I've even contributed to the online sugar, caught up in the springiness of the season, but let me share this with you: I'm no Pollyanna. No sir-ee Bob (or Jane, Fred, or Betty).

And here's the proof: my refrigerator magnets.

Most of the magnets are from Ephemera, Inc., and I'll be buying MORE, thanks to a peek at this at Barnes and Noble:

A wonderful flip-book with a built-in stand full of the sarcastic humor that brings wicked laughter into my life- naturally I'll be buying these as magnets:

and of course...

Nope, no "Chicken Soup" for ANYONE'S soul here- just sassiness, which works for me!

What's on your fridge?


Oh, but glamour and sparkle do catch my attention...

Morning Glory Antiques and Jewelry is a site I just found online, and I've only drooled over the photos- I have no idea if this place is up and running! Seeing as they are located in New Mexico, I might just have to schedule a road trip before we move back to Oz this summer... If you're a Miriam Haskell fan, take a look!

As do hunger-inducing desserty recipes:

Rice Pudding with Dulce de Leche, from Cream Puffs in Venice

Cupcake Bakeshop by Chockylit shares a recipe for Sweet and Salty Honey Peanut Cupcakes

Smitten Kitchen's "Hamantaschen" are three cornered cookies that I'd never heard of before...probably because I'm not Jewish.

Happy Thursday, and thanks for reading!

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