Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Does My Horror-Scope Match Me?

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So here's what Jill M. Phillips has to say about people born on my birthdate:

December Birthday Astrology

December Capricorns have a great deal of emotional pluck. If plans fail, they simply start again. Because of their good attitude and ability to motivate others, they make excellent mentors. Although they may seem scatterbrained, they have great organizational abilities. Witty and intelligent, they are exceptionally verbal for people of their sign.

Capricorn Information for December
You should embrace:
Details, imagination, a personal agenda

You should avoid:
Stress, demoralization, indifference
Friends and Lovers

Because they have such a likable nature, December individuals make friends effortlessly but are unlikely to reveal confidences or ask for advice. Love is a permanent and practical factor in their lives. They value stability and do not usually seek separation or divorce unless there is no alternative.

Children and Family

December natives love the traditions of family and typically have happy memories of childhood. Though their upbringing is likely to have been strict, they look at this as positive. They are good parents who do everything to provide stability for their child. Though they promote fun, they are strict on discipline.

People born on this date have a common-sense approach to good health. By not overdoing anything, they reap the rewards without losing out on the occasional need to indulge a bad habit. Health problems are typically minor, but problem skin is not unknown. If they make water their main beverage, the skin condition is likely to clear up.

Career and Finances

People born on this date are serious about career ambitions. They work hard, learn quickly, obey the rules, and they know that professional shortcuts can be deceptive. They often spend a great deal of money on home decorating, with an eye for antiques and other objets d'art that will increase in value.

Dreams and Goals

To climb to the top without fudging the rules is a common goal of December people. They know what they want and are willing to work hard to get it, no matter how hard that may be. They never blame setbacks on anyone but themselves. If a goal becomes impossible to fulfill, they replot the course.

Hmmm...... does it sound like moi?

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