Monday, November 26, 2007

Holiday Vignette Countdown (and kudos!)

The harvest decor has been taken down, dusted, and safely packed away until next year (and our next home), which means it's time to decorate the house for the holiday and winter season. Each day this week I'll post photos of one new vignette (here's where you can find helpful tips and ideas for areas of focus and interest for your home, office, or even classroom)- let me know what you think!



table 3

Also, *kudos* to In Practice, nominated for Best Group Blog for the 2007 Edublog Awards. It's been a terrific blog to contribute to (thank you again Alice, for the invite!), and a wonderful resource to ask you to consider voting for online.

1 comment:

  1. If you didn't teach, you would no doubt find success in the home decorating business!


As always, thank you for your comments, tips, suggestions and questions!