A company representative called! He apologized for the situation, and let us know when a photographer would be back in our neck of the woods so Dear Daughter could have her photo taken again. She made it to the next photo location (a nearby church) on Friday, and had a *much* better experience this time around. We're looking forward to seeing what will hopefuly be a greatly improved freshman picture in about two weeks.
The company rep. said that the retake policy (if you didn't blink or have wonky hair, you aren't given the opportunity to have your photo retaken) was in place because schools with large student populations often had many, many, *many* students trying to use Re-Take Day as an opportunity to get out of class, creating huge lines of students who are basically playing hooky.
My response and suggestion? "That's why students shouldn't be allowed to leave class for photos unless they have a written request by their parents."
Seems simple to me. I know, I know, teachers would still have to field the notes, yadda yadda yadda (you know I sympathize, I'm a teacher after all) but it would be for one morning or afternoon.
Perhaps the policy will change. Maybe not- but we were relieved that we were called and given the opportunity for Dear Daughter to continue with her tradition of sending school photos to friends and family with our Christmas cards.

Micheale, I'm glad you got it worked out. Good for you, being the squeeky wheel!