Monday, July 21, 2008

~Green Maintenance Monday~

We've stalled a bit indoors as I won't be able to set up the toddler's playroom or my craft area until my kindergarten materials, books, and decor are delivered to my new classroom later this week. Dear Husband checked the trees in our yard today instead, looking for branches that needed to be trimmed while the kids and I checked on the seeds that we planted for "filler-type" greenery and flowers for the remaining summer months.

The nasturtiums and pumpkins have sprouted, though I'm not sure if we'll actually get any pumpkins grown in time for Halloween with such a late planting. The kids were inspired by the pumpkin photos at Chance Family Happenings:

Dear Husband trimmed back some branches that were obscuring traffic/street signs:

...and he discovered a few branches that the electric company will have to come out to cut and remove (see where the power line is?):

Later this afternoon I'll re-pot some of my indoor plants into larger containers, anticipating what new greenery I can find to put into the newly emptied pots!

Thanks for being green, Kermit:


~SmittenKitchen shares a recipe for Sauteed Radishes (yes, radishes!), Sugar Snap Peas and Dill

~Paper-and-String is working on Christmas in July (check out her trees, reindeer, and puddings)

~Doug has "heavier" reading on his summer book list than I do, but I'm intrigued after reading his thoughts on Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine. NCLB is an issue that has ties that stretch much further than our classrooms, school district offices, states, even country.

~Dear Daughter enjoyed her birthday, but wanted a plain ol' vanilla cake (with purple streaks swirled in) with strawberry icing. Guess I'll have to wait for another celebration to try The Pioneer-Woman-Cooks' Yogurt and Orange Marmalade Cake.


Happy Monday!

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