Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hearty Appreciation

Today we're in-the-pink here at home, but this past week at school was full of sweetness, surprises, and fun~

My students won roses for me via our school's Box Tops for Education program. My Stars were thrilled that our class won the fragrant and beautiful gift, and shared my enjoyment of the flowers by stopping to smell-the-roses throughout the day, OFTEN. I had to laugh when one student, after three visits to my desk to smell the bouquet asked with a concerned look on his face "Mrs. Sommerville, why do those flowers smell like plants?"

The roses, cards, goodies and handcrafted treats traveled home with me yesterday afternoon and are keeping me company this morning...I plan on enjoying them throughout the weekend!


~ Mamacita wrote the most wonderful "Letter to My Heart," a non-frilly timeline tracing lessons learned, ordeals endured, and gifts received through Love's orchestrations.


...another reason Romantic Love is Wonderful? Because it happens at any time of the year, in any language:

1 comment:

  1. I, too, am loving the valentines from my students. There is just something so special about them!



As always, thank you for your comments, tips, suggestions and questions!