Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Bits and Blurbs Wednesday

~ Little Birdie Secrets shares "Misfortune Cookies" (ever thought of making your own fortune cookies to celebrate Chinese New Year?)

~ A Storybook Life hasn't packed away all of her holiday decor quite yet, after all, shouldn't we enjoy winter?

~ Since you know how I love Scrabble tiles, Scrabble furniture certainly caught my eye at Haute*Nature...


Yep, I am now on Facebook. Seems a bit more...grown up... than MySpace. Anyone else feel the same way? They were nice enough to "network" my blog, so I added a little clickable thingie over there on the side of Kindergarten's 3 R's-------> (before the blogroll starts). Click and join the network if you'd like, or just keep reading here...


I'll be dipping my toes into the Etsy market over the next few weekends, as a seller. For...the...first...time. Banners, of course. But I'd appreciate some feedback regarding:

~the types or themes of banners that frankly, would be FUN. Birthdays, school-themed, and holidays, of course... colors? Seasons? Reversible?

~ the banners will be smaller than most- I'll call them "bitty banners," though they may be strung across ribbon two yards long, so should I make more than one that match? Sell them in pairs?

~ and while I still need to figure out pricing, do you think it would be a good idea to create a separate blog site for the banners so I don't take up so much kindergarten room for them here? Seriously, you're the readers- your input is important!


How did I miss this movie?!?!?


  1. I love that movie! I've seen it four times now and will likely see it much more (my 5 year old loves it as well). I'm glad you've discovered it.

  2. I don't think your "banner" posts take up too much space. Another blog would be more time-consuming. You are so incredibly crafty and such and inspiration! :)


As always, thank you for your comments, tips, suggestions and questions!