Thursday, August 14, 2008

Playing Catch Up!

...with a little bit of this and a little bit of that today~

A very happy birthday to my grandmother, my childrens' "G.G." I spoke to her today on the phone, and she mentioned she enjoyed a celebratory cappuccino during lunch. She hasn't had a jolt of caffeine in years, so her afternoon was probably spent hanging out with this fellow:


It has been a busy first week of school with students. A lot of joy, tons of enthusiasm, a bit of drama, much-appreciated reassurances, and a remarkable amount of support from parents, students, new colleagues and administrators. I knew I would *love* returning to teach in the land of Oz!

Reading the comments many of you have left and the e-mails you've sent to me about my classroom decor, teaching philosophy, and your unselfish sharing of ideas, links and resources has been the icing on the cupcake, truly. I'm looking forward to exploring your sites and updating my blogroll this weekend! Professional Learning Communities and Collegial Ties certainly can and DO exist worldwide now!


~Poppytalk Handmade got my attention with School Days, a back-to-school and fashion market.

~ Now that I'm teaching in a school that utilizes Smart Boards in the classroom, the nostalgia of chalkboards has hit me... Poppytalk has been similarly affected!

~Frazzy Dazzles has me wishing we were neighbors, crafting friends, because she captured The Very Hungry Caterpillar perfectly for her daughter's birthday!

~The family wants me to try Crispy Yogurt Chicken, thanks to The Pioneer Woman Cooks...


Tomorrow is Purple Day in my classroom! Yes Mom, I'll be wearing my purple cowboy boots- but the students will be enjoying several stories about Harold and his purple crayon:

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