Thursday, December 13, 2012

Scene from a Desk: 2 Days Until Winter Vacation

I have a crafty, baker extraordinaire mom this year:


Yep, she made them as our special snack today.

Sweet, melted snowman goodness.

What does your desk look like this week?


  1. Aww, they are so cute! May I "pin" that photo?

    When I read the post title, I thought you were talking about the disastrous mess of uncapped markers, torn paper, and dropped crayons that is a common setting for one of my kindergartners. I've snapped a few pics, to share with her parents, lol!

    And, LUCKY! We get only one and a half weeks for break this year.
    Enjoy your time!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Pin, pin, pin! The pink scarf in the background was..."borrowed" by one of my students apparently during PE or music this week. The green tissue box with green spots is almost empty thanks to the sneezes and coughs that are filling the room, and where the cookies are sitting is the only area on my desk I didn't have to excavate for the photo. End of quarter assessments, cute holiday drawings, and chocolate candy wrappers are keeping my coffee mug company as we finish our first semester.

    Have a wonderful and restful vacation- students are done tomorrow, but my colleagues and I report back several days next week.



As always, thank you for your comments, tips, suggestions and questions!