Unfortunately, I have to down-shift from teacher mode to off-duty teacher mode every year in order to really enjoy the rhythm of summer. It tends to take a week or two, which is NOT a good pace for this year with the upcoming seminar muscling in on my annual down-shift transition. Typically, I need to sleep for the first five or six days. As Dear Daughter's school year ended a week after mine, chauffeuring duties have interfered with the planned snooze agenda. Dear Husband coming home mid-day interrupts my plans for a nap. The Kindergartner (oh yes, he finished pre-school and is now ready for the Big Time) fulfills his mess-making duties with truly remarkable gusto and finesse. More clean-up chores for me.
It's too hot to sit out here during the day, but I am looking forward to relaxing in the fresh air either in the morning with coffee or in the evening with iced tea on my beautiful repurposed bench (a teacher appreciation gift from one of my Super Star Families):

...if my friend is nice enough to share, that is!
Teachers, how will you be spending your summer? Seminars? Travel? College courses? Sleeping?
P.S. I've checked all of the links in my blogroll and have deleted those that no longer work correctly, but have also added SMART Board/Interactive White Board links under "Technology." Let me know if there are other links you think readers would find helpful!
I will finish my university first (I only need to pass the state exam), then I go to a Maths teacher training course with my colleagues and I will SEW a lot, I have sooooo many plans. Enjoy your holiday!