Change number one has already happened:
I've created a second blog, devoted entirely to my crafty adventures, blog roaming and family updates, Twigs and Tulle.
Kindergarten's 3 R's will return to its original focus: respect, resources and rants for the world of early childhood education. Here I'll continue to share kindergarten links, ideas and humor from the classroom.
It's taken three plus years and over seven hundred blog posts for me to realize that I have two voices: the teacher Me, and the crafter/mommy Me.
Crafty Me is ready to spread her wings! If you feel so inclined, please join me over at Twigs and Tulle for Etsy shop updates, links to home decor, recipes, music, humor and crafty endeavors.
Of course you can keep visiting me here where we'll continue our kindergarten adventure together, okie dokie Artichoke-y?
Looking forward to your new blog too. Hope you are having a wonderful Christmas Season.